Wednesday, 6 May 2015

MTM – the sequel

Before we begin can I pay homage to the foil tray and the steam bag. You can buy heaps of different sizes of foil tray – my personal favourite is from Wilkos – 24cms x 24cms or, in old money 9 ½ inches square – 3 for £1 – bargain. This size will give you four good sized portions.

Baco make an EasySteam microwave pouch – comes in packs of 5. I got my last stash from Home Bargains but would suggest checking out all the discount shops. Lakeland do sell them but they are pricey so shop around. Ditto re foil trays – find a size or sizes that best suit your cooking needs.

Okey dokey, back to the sequel. Pre-heat your oven to 200fan/220/Gas7. Now I hope you'll begin to see that all your efforts on Sunday were not in vain. Monday's supper is fish pie. Make a quick sauce using fish stock (Knorr stock pots) 400ml. Make a roux sauce from melting 20g butter then add 20g plain flour, gradually whisk in your stock which will thicken. Season with salt and black pepper. You can add a little double cream if you are feeling decadent. Flake the fish you baked yesterday into a large bowl and fold in the sauce – it should be quite stiff. Tip into a foil tray as above ensuring before you do so that the foil tray is placed on a baking tray – unless of course you have juggling powers that I do not. Take two of the potatoes you baked yesterday, slice thinly over the fish, grab a couple of handfuls of the cheese you grated yesterday and sprinkle over the potato – no need to add salt – there's enough in the cheese – a small “hat-tip” to healthy eating. Bake for 25 minutes until golden brown. Serve with steamed veggies of your choice in the steam bags above.

If you want to cheat then you could always use a Campbell's condensed soup as a sauce base – there's a choice with low fat versions too . You could use a cheese sauce, a parsley sauce or a sorrel sauce. You could add chopped hard boiled eggs and/or saute some finely chopped shallots or spring onions in rapeseed oil and add to your sauce.

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