Sunday, 19 July 2015

Party Planning

A word or two about dinner/supper party planning. What you want to avoid is finishing up like a piece of chewed string, retiring to a darkened room with a bottle of gin and a straw.

So, your aim should be to do as much as you can ahead and, if at all possible, bits and pieces each day leading up to your party.

Back to the list – or in this case several lists!

First up choose your menu taking into account the likes/dislikes of your guests (and it goes without saying, any specific dietary needs). Stick with what you know. I would never cook a dish for the first time for a party – this takes flying by the seat of your pants to a whole new level.

When you've chosen your menu, taking into account what's seasonal and fab – think about the temperature – you wouldn't want to serve a winter meal in the summer if you get my drift. Conversely if you know that your guests are really into desserts – mega ones – like death by chocolate then ease up on the previous courses. Don't serve a starter - serve a canape with drinks, then straight into the main course. Warn your guests that their favourite dessert is on its way.

Sit down with your recipes (and a glass of something although this is not compulsory) and make your shopping list. Check your pantry/store cupboard – you may think you've got the herbs/spices or the icing sugar – bitter experience has taught me it ain't necessarily so – save your legs and your sanity, it takes two minutes and don't forget the lemons. You'll always need them – don't ask me why or where, trust me.

Decide what drinks you'll be serving and adjust your list, not forgetting any mixers required. Is there ice in the freezer? Ice bags are quick, easy and don't take up space. Is the white wine in the fridge?

Basic stuff – serviettes – linen or good quality disposable. Speaking of which, if you want to look fancy see the photos attached - you'll need 33cm square – two different colours and a standard wine glass. If you're using larger wine glasses you can get larger napkins.

No matter whether it's an informal supper or a formal dinner party decide on your plates or bowls you'll be using – there's so much to choose from these days, along with serving dishes too. If it's formal, set your table ahead of the game. Place the wine glasses upside down to avoid interlopers of the flying variety and dust.

Even if you don't normally use foil trays, give yourself a break – you'll be glad you did when it comes to the washing up!

Work out from your menu what's to take the most time to prep and then to cook. Prep the non perishables for each course separately (on trays if you can). Prepped perishables can be refrigerated. Your goal is to have as little work as possible to do on the day.

As an example I would choose a dessert that is better for being made the previous day – fancy desserts like the perfect chocolate fondant fall into this category and indeed can be made ahead and refrigerated or even frozen.

Success comes in the form of a relaxed and happy host who spends time with guests and not in that darkened room.

Have the best time!

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