So often picnics are boring. What we need is food that is easily
transportable but above all quick and easy to prepare and tasty.
a variation to the “Three Cheese Tart” in The
Following the
recipe roll out the pastry and use a 12 hole bun tin – you'll get
18 individual canapes – may be more depending on how thin you roll
the pastry.
up the filling as per the recipe.
They can be made ahead and served cold – perfect for picnics.
Looking back at the beginning of the blog, there are recipes you can
adapt that lend themselves really well for picnics.
in “Decisions, decisions: Frittata or pasta?”
is a dish that is just as delicious served cold. It can be
vegetarian or not – adding leftovers like cooked chicken or bacon
bits, whatever takes your fancy.
a spot of fusion. Cook a pan of penne pasta and add the “Asian
Spiced Salmon” - “Thursday supper and stir fry”.
Once again you can add any leftover vegetables. If you don't have
any try petit pois and sweetcorn. Fantastic served cold.
“Saturday night
gives you the recipe for burgers and meatballs. Make up a batch of
meatballs – serve them with either sweet chilli sauce or the
Pineapple Salsa from “Summer Holidays”.
Picnic petit-four
I appreciate I'm stretching the definition of a petit-four – it can
be sucre or salee – in other words a tiny cake or pastry sweet or
savoury. I'm suggesting that “dessert” isn't served in the
accepted sense.
Let the kids help :
the shindig, have a glance at the coolers in “Sweet
Surprises for summer”
could make either the Malteser Cake and/or Rocky
Road from “Outside the box” and
finally, here's another suggestion,
unsalted butter
tbsp castor sugar
tbsp golden syrup
tsp cocoa
Rich Tea biscuits, crushed finely
of raisins or cranberries
can mix 4oz milk, 4oz plain)
the butter, sugar, syrup and cocoa.
the biscuits and raisins, stir to combine. Pour into a Swiss roll tin
or into foil trays to suit your purpose, press down firmly.
the chocolate – either in the microwave or in a bowl over simmering
water (as always being careful not to let the bowl touch the water).
Pour the chocolate over the mixture . Put into the fridge and leave
to set for an hour.
approximately 20 pieces.
Or, you
could have a look in the cheap shops and/or baby aisles and see if
you can pick up some funky individual pots with lids and make
“Nigella's Instant Chocolate-Orange Mousse” mentioned in
GOM: Chapter 9
and take with you a huge tub of strawberries, raspberries, melon,
whatever looks great and fresh and in season.
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