Sunday, 15 November 2015

The Creaking Table

If anyone mentions the word “buffet” it makes my blood run cold! Drama queen ish I know but there must be some of you out there who remember the 1970ies classic buffet – here's a few reminders :

  • sandwiches made at 9am in the morning when the buffet begins at 7pm – curled up or soggy – take your pick
  • sausages on sticks – wrinkled and resembling something too unpleasant for words
  • the classic hedgehog design spiked with cheese and pineapple or, if you were really posh, those tiny, slimy silver skin onions
  • equally posh – the vol-au-vent – filled with either chicken or mushroom in a cream sauce – they were almost always too big to pop into your mouth – consequently when you took a bite the filling splodged down your new frock – is this ringing any bells?

No self respecting buffet table would be complete without everyone's favourite - a Quiche Lorraine – or bacon and egg pie – NOT!

I'm scarred for life!

My version of a buffet is “a creaking table”. The vision is simply that your table is full of different, tasty bits and pieces that everyone wants to eat. This vision isn't difficult to produce provided you're happy to plan a little. With luck, and a following wind, it should just be a matter of pulling boxes and bags out of your fridge and freezer with minimum fuss.

Whilst it might not seem of any consequence, years ago a close friend of mine said, on arriving for lunch, “you should have been a cook in the Forces - there's enough food to feed an army” She was absolutely right of course – I can't help it – mainly because I'm terrified that there won't be enough food. Now I can turn that to my advantage and the next post shows the first of my suggestions for Christmas Eve, which is, you've guessed it, a creaking table.

Toodle Pip!

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