Saturday, 30 January 2016

The E word

Two weeks in to our tweaking – now I have to break it to you that you'll feel even better if you include some exercise in your new routine.

I can hear your howling protests. Give me a chance - I'm not recommending you sign up for a marathon!

I'm sure you think that exercise has nothing to do with a food blog – totally beyond the remit. Erm, there is a connection and I would be remiss if I didn't plant a few ideas – the tweaking and the E word are a great combination if you can find the right recipe for you – sorry!

It's the same principle mentioned in Lets begin .... Choose an activity that you'll enjoy and suits your timetable.

Stating the obvious I know, but wherever possible during your day, walk when you can (briskly) and as often as you can. If you normally take a lift take the stairs – obviously if your office is on the 10th floor or higher don't do it – but you could walk up a couple of floors.

Walk the dog further – if you don't have a dog you could always borrow one! Every effort counts, no matter how small.

Make sure you're wearing the right kit for the job. Your best stilettos aren't advisable for a brisk walk.

If you are considering taking exercise in the way of a class there are all sorts to choose from that don't involve an expensive gym membership.

Check out a Pilates class – the best ever for posture and creaking bits and pieces and the least impact. 20 years on and I would never give it up.

Dancing – whatever sort – if you love music and dancing why not. It's also possible these days to do a class like Zumba, which includes both. If you think you can't do a dance class because you need a partner – wrong – try line dancing.

However it's no good signing up for any class if you can't fit it in to your daily schedule relatively easily, so think about what time of day suits you and proximity to work or home – you'll be more likely to stick with it if it's convenient and doesn't involve, for example, a round trip of an hour or more travelling time to get to and from said class.

Make it easy on yourself – to quote that brilliant song from 1965.

P.s. It goes without saying that if you have any health issues or concerns you should check with your Health Care Professional that you are able to embark on any exercise programme.

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