Thoughts from a grumpy old woman.
If there's one thing (actually there's more than one) that drives me
crazy it's the constant misuse of the English language in particular
when applied to the title above - a “bit” refers to a solid, i.e.
a morsel of food, of “bite”. To the best of my knowledge red
wine is not a solid ….. if you think the same way I apologise
because from now on when either watching your favourite cooking
show/magazine programme or listening to your radio – in my case
crystal set since as I write I know I sound like the grumpiest old
woman ever - I now realise I've turned you into a crazy person. I
don't care, I've kept this to myself for so long there must be others
out there who think as I do.
I appeal to the major culprits of said misuse who are, you may not be
surprised to learn - the celebrity chefs – the word to use is
“drop” i.e. a small quantity of liquid. You don't need to go to
catering college or train as a chef to attain this earth shattering
Whilst I'm on the subject, of celebrity chefs that is, I might as
well have another moan – in particular relating to kitchen hygiene
or rather lack of. Will someone please let these chefs know that
wearing a big fat designer wrist watch whilst you are cooking is not
a good idea hygienically speaking – if you want to keep an eye on
the time pin a fob watch to your whites or better still buy a large
kitchen wall clock that can be wiped down and everyone gets the
I feel so much better having got that off my chest!
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