Saturday, 25 June 2016

A Grand Day Out … take a tip

pack a picnic or at the very least a packed lunch. Having just been banging on about wheels I'm not suggesting you trail round lugging a hamper from a certain grocers in Piccadilly!

Why might I make this suggestion I hear you ask – because there are very few places where you can purchase a snack, sandwich, call it what you will. There are other improvements in that there's more seating than previously so you can rest your legs and get your second wind. It's not an attractive look when you have no option but to sit on the floor – I jest not.

Back to the picnic idea. The choices for said snack at the Show were few and far between. We did actually consider signing up for the BBC Good Food Magazine offer – try 5 issues for £5 which gained entry into BBC Good Food Magazine Subscribers' Lounge but you can't sign up without your Bank details and I don't walk around with that information in my handbag. So, with limited choices we chose a crepe from a concession near the picnic areas – sweet or savoury – we opted for the savoury @ £6 per crepe – expensive, although tasty enough. What I didn't realise until it was too late was that the two small bottles of water purchased at the same time – at £2 each – gasp - was from Costco – for those not familiar, a membership based cash and carry which bears the Kirkland name. I can't tell you yet exactly how much they cost per bottle but rest assured I'll be backing up my mouth as soon as possible – if I had to guess probably in the region of 20p per bottle – watch this space.

I wouldn't have minded a concession for food – they must have made an absolute fortune. You'd like to think that whoever organises this gig and for the most part very well – might take another look at the “fast food” options and ensure that people get value for money.

Please don't think me a miser – it's a day out and I'd be the first to pay over the odds for a halfway decent sandwich in decent artisan bread or just more choice.

Old fashioned or not, I'm taking my own food and drink next time even if it means investing in a larger version of my wheels - at least they'll be lighter on the way home (in theory at least) although the more space you have, the more you fill with “can't live without” purchases!

Don't misunderstand me it's a great day out especially if you're interested in all things food related – my mission here is to make sure you get the absolute best out of your day and at least you set out knowing what to expect and if it's better, then yippee!

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