Friday, 1 July 2016

Goodies to go … savoury

and the latest fashion

seems to be Himalayan Salt Blocks of all shapes and sizes. You know that old adage “you learn something every day” - well did you know that an expert in all things salt is called a Selmelier, I assume from the French for salt being sel!

I leave you to make your own mind up – here's a snapshot of what you can do with your salt block and other salt products.

If you use spices and herbs and all things ancillary thereto then check out Fox's Spices 01789 266420 email: and ask for their mail order catalogue – seriously comprehensive. Bear in mind the lifespan of herbs and spices is limited so don't get carried away because it's cheaper than the supermarket – it's only cheaper if you're going to use it! You could buy and share with your friends, then it really would be economical. I use star anise powder and it's difficult to get where I live so I was delighted to come away clutching my fresh supply.

Here's a couple of photos of their latest products.

Oh and just a thought – if you have a present to buy for someone who loves their food then you should have a look at Fox's Gift Selections – there are loads to choose from – Country Kitchen Herb Gift Selection – Indian Spice Gift Selection – Garlic Fiends Treasure Trove …....

Happy shopping!

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