Saturday, 24 December 2016

Pommes Dauphinoise – but not as you know them

I know this is really cheeky and last minute but could you make me a tray of the sliced potatoes in whatever sauce you do, for Saturday”.

This request came from my Dil, Cheryl (I quite like “Dil” - aka daughter in law) for her Daughter Alyce's 18th Birthday Party.

Hmmm, not really sure what is meant by the sliced potatoes - “I meant the sliced ones you do that are cheesy … “

I feel I should mention that this food had to be transported from Northamptonshire to West Yorkshire so oodles of cream sloshing about needs some thought.

Righty ho – drawing board time.

Here are the results.

Remember in the multitasking morning stuff I talked about making the best of the space in your oven when in use and baking jacket potatoes? For the following recipe I baked three large potatoes – cooled them and fridged.

Alfredo Sauce

double the quantities given in the original recipe

50g unsalted butter
400ml double cream
100g freshly grated Parmesan, plus more for sprinkling
freshly ground black pepper

Gently heat the butter and the cream together, stirring, until the butter has melted, then stir in the Parmesan.

Slowly bring to a gentle boil, turn down the heat and simmer, stir continuously for a minute or so until you have a smooth, creamy sauce, season.

This sauce can be made ahead, cooled, boxed and fridged or you can freeze it.

The Pommes Dauphinoise were duly delivered – portable in that the cooked jackets were left in tact, in their foil, in a strong food bag and the sauce in boxes. I even supplied the foil trays.

A big hit with pulled pork and rated 11 out of 10.

N.B. Resist the urge to use a microwave to reheat the sauce – I promise you it will split and you will not be a happy bunny – I know it goes against the grain – use a saucepan – it's worth the washing up!

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