any of the following words describe anyone in your household – feel
free to tick as many as apply. Gloomy, sullen, sulky, glum, morose,
touchy, grouchy, volatile and my personal favourite – cantankerous!
accident I recently discovered that my “comfort food pasty” may
have healing powers. I digress slightly to explain that when I visit
my Sister, I take a pasty for her (minus the onion) ready sliced into
portions so that they can go straight into her freezer.
an extract from a text she sent :
your cheese & onion pasties are incredible!
(my Nephew) was in a foul mood when I got in from work
so I
left him to it. I put a pasty in the oven and hey presto
became human again!
you have to do now is bottle it! xxx”
the method is as follows :
your teenager arrives home, grunts and passes through to the black
hole (aka bedroom) upstairs turn on the oven to pre-heat. Place the
pasty in the oven – let the smell of the pasty warming drift to the
black hole. The aroma should be enough to get his or her attention.
A call of “food is ready” should be sufficient – serve the
pasty – preferably on a plate and watch it disappear – may not be
a metamorphosis but the demeanour definitely improves.
worth a shot!
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