Sunday, 18 June 2017

After the event

I promised I'd report back on the card night – the bad news is the girls lost – bring on the re-match - grrr!

The good news is that my tray bake was a great success!

Here are the photos :

I know that in the previous blog I suggested using any leftovers in a wrap for lunch. However my friend is “confined to barracks” as they say, recovering from an operation so the following day I went to visit – a visitor who brings supper is always welcome!

Later I received a lovely message saying, “delicious” and “yum” with a recipe request – my work here is done.

Since this is my recipe I feel it only right that it should have a name, so the ordinary tray bake is now called “A Tickle Tray” - just because it tickles your taste-buds – so much more inviting than “tray bake”.

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