Sunday, 9 July 2017

Assembly – The Jam Jar salad

This is the fun bit but before we begin a couple of tips :

  • for your piccalilli drizzle, trim a disposable piping bag – approximately 20cms – it should be small so that you can control it. You don't need a nozzle, just snip off the end of the bag – the tiniest of snips - and you're ready to go.
  • Recently I bought a pair of small tongs – the type you would use in sugarcraft – now is the time they come into their own – you can spoon ingredients like the potato and the salsa but you might like to control the gammon and the tongs will help you achieve this so you can garnish your jam jar salad without scattering it all over the kitchen!

You are layering your prepared ingredients in the jar as follows :

Baby new potatoes
a sprinkle of salt and a drizzle of piccalilli sauce

Sweetcorn salsa

Shredded gammon and a drizzle of piccalilli sauce

Finely chopped silverskin onions

It will look as if you'll never pack all the layers into the jar – yes you will! As you add your salsa layer press down, gently but firmly, repeat with each layer.

It does occur that not everyone likes the idea of piccalilli sauce. If you really don't want to step outside your taste box, you could substitute it with a honey and mustard dressing or another of your choice – plain mayonnaise if you prefer or check out Farringtons Mellow Yellow garlic mayonnaise – made with cold pressed rapeseed oil.

Coming next are the step by step photos and the finished salad!

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