Sunday, 20 August 2017

Summer Salad - The day before

The day before - Friday

If you've bought your tail fillet ahead and
frozen it, take it out of the freezer and fridge it to defrost

Cook the new potatoes for the Stir Fry – cool, peel
and cube, then bag and fridge

De-seed and slice the peppers, bag and fridge

Roast the Honey Roasted Beetroot then
cool, cover and fridge

On the day – Saturday morning

Slice the tail fillet wafer thin - box, cover and then
fridge until required

Take scallops and prawns from the freezer – 5 medium
scallops per person and 50g frozen prawns per person
- box separately to defrost in the fridge

Snap and trim the asparagus to a similar size, blanch
in cold, iced water – dry, box and fridge

Fry 250g chorizo in a wok for the Stir Fry and set aside – cool, box and fridge
leave the oil in the wok, covered. The chorizo should just begin to

In a frying pan fry 125g of diced chorizo for the scallops, as above
- set aside – cool, box and fridge

No trouble at all!

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