Sunday, 10 March 2019

Lets talk about pizza …

what is there to say - plenty! Everyone has their own idea of the perfect pizza and made well it's the best “fast food” whether you prefer a thin, thick or stuffed crust.

We covered Monday to Friday suppers in our “multi-tasking morning” aka making the most of your oven when cooking a Sunday roast! Before we resume with a few more ideas for your working week suppers you deserve a night off!

Saturday night should be designated “slob night” - by slob I mean lazy – feet up in front of your favourite film at the weekend, so easy, uncomplicated but tasty food is required and I don't mean reaching for your favourite takeaway that I know you have on speed dial!

Those who are kind enough to have been reading my blog for a while will know that my mission is to make your life in the kitchen easy and so am not averse to recommending, for example, using a puff pastry sheet instead of making your own. Why not, when there's a quality product available! Which brings me to pizza bases. They are available in all sorts of guises from ready cooked bases where you add your own pizza toppings – probably more suitable as a Frisbee – to packet mixes and dough mixes and then there's the ready rolled dough i.e. just like a puff pastry sheet but pizza dough in a box.

I'm on a mission, which is to find the most convenient and delicious pizza base – if you like it's a half way house for my Saturday slob, not home-made but freshly baked with a decent product. Everyone deserves a night off!

Next comes my confession – I get bored with the same old pizza toppings and, bizarrely, I have hated tomatoes all my life but will tolerate the passata style topping that is used for pizzas. My plan is to have some fun with a wacky pizza using flavours and textures I like.

What's the worst that can happen?

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