Saturday, 20 February 2021

Batch cooking and freezing your own pies

If you've been used to buying ready-made pies for emergencies you may have been disappointed. One thing is for sure they are not cheap so if you finish up with only half a filling and the remainder is fresh air it's not good for your meal or for the money you've wasted. That's why I make my own – it doesn't have to take forever – you don't have to go learn the art of pastry making – cheat, buy the sheets – either puff or shortcrust – like I've said the pastry police are in lockdown too!

If you feel brave you could have a go at batch cooking and freezing your own pies – there's every shape and size of foil pie dishes known to man to suit everyone – single deep dishes, shallow versions and larger too. Equally there's the same choice of enamel pie dishes or ceramic if you prefer.

The world is your lobster – you can spend very little or mega bucks. Personally I find that foil is convenient and doesn't take up too much space in my freezer although I do get that you wouldn't want to serve a glorious pie for a supper/dinner party in a foil tray so may be treat yourself for special occasions.

Have a go – you've nothing to lose and everything to gain. In these miserable times when you're having to produce meals every day just think how great it'll feel when you can pull out your own from the freezer!

There are loads of different pastry recipes and styles but I don't want to drone on ad nauseam so we'll take a break – here's another sauce idea.

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