Saturday, 13 March 2021

Finely diced onions – the easy way!

The best way of describing this technique is with a photo-guide, here goes :

all that's required is a small chopping board and

a sharp paring knife - peel a medium onion as shown


cut the onion half and

lay it flat on your chopping board – take a

close look at the onion and you'll see natural lines

take your paring knife and follow the lines in

the onion – slicing through leaving

the root alone, stopping short by 1.5cms/½”

approximately so that the onions stays

in tact

assuming you're right handed, hold the

onion with the root to your left and slice across the

onion finely with your paring knife, carefully,

keeping your fingers slightly tucked away

take it slowly and if this is your first attempt

I'd suggest you stop well short of the root as shown

then repeat with the remaining half - ta dah!

I've always diced onions using this method and was taught that the root is the cause of “tears”. I can honestly say that I've never had an issue.

Back to the remaining pie filling ideas ...

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