Saturday, 5 June 2021

Christmas Dinner in June … the final bits

 … are the most important.

Congratulations on your menu – I hope that my suggestions and ideas have helped – it has been so long since we've been able to celebrate with our family and friends we've forgotten how.

A final word to you, the cook. What is more important than anything is that you are front and centre of this Christmas Dinner so, now you've chosen your menu take the time to remind yourself of the recipes you'll be using.

From those thoughts and recipes check your store cupboard to make sure you've got all the tiny bits and pieces that get forgotten – then check again!

Now you can make your shopping list – I'd make two – the first list will be non-perishable stuff that you can buy now and the second will be the fresh veggies nearer the time. If however you've included certain dishes that can be made ahead and frozen, don't forget those ingredients too and get cracking!

Having just given you ideas for a Christmas Dinner menu it occurs that not everyone may want to use the traditional route. What follows next is a series of ideas for those who'd like an alternative Christmas Dinner or, better still, lets make a good job of it and why not New Year in July!

Here goes … but in the meantime Merry Christmas!

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